
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Should be sewing...

Yeah, I know I should be sewing. Instead I'm frittering away my time doing that crazy online karaoke. Of course, it's only just past noon, and I've got all day. But it's amazing how quickly time flies when you're frittering...

Actually, I did do something doll related today. I sent my new Averill face sculpt to Jeff Goshon to have new molds made, though I forgot to photograph it as I'd intended. The old face/mold is no more. Her anatomic abnormalities have been bugging me for a long time. It's funny how you look back at your earlier work (thinking it was ok), then time goes buy and you can't stand it.

I love this song, though I am NOT a country music fan. But my friend and colleague Brenda Sue used to sing this when we had our little bluegrass band. I sang back-up/harmony on this one. Brenda had a stroke (she's a little younger than I am), and just can't do it anymore. I miss her.

I bought a webcam this past weekend. I don't think I like to see myself singing - I'd hoped I didn't look that goofy. I was wrong. Notice the cluttered studio in the background?


  1. You sound great and frittering is a good way to recharge! :)

  2. What a fun surprise to find you singing on your blog in addition to making dolls :) You sound really good, Deanna, and your dolls are great too!

    Take care,


  3. Hi Deanna,
    I've been admiring your blog site for some time now. My trade is potter/sculptor/instuctor of ceramics. I teach at our local museum of art. But that doesn't stop me from loving other creative mediums. (I too have a karaoke machine, hehe, what fun they are!)
    I taught myself how to play the guitar even. But I would not be band material. Kudo's to you girl for showing off your God- given talents. Your voice is great & you look so sweet while singing. Don't be so shy. One more art room is much messier than yours.
    That's how come I can find things!
    I think you should entertain us again with another song or several. You could do a song a month? I wish you the very best.

  4. You sing a right purty C&W song ma'am! :) Santa brought me a little 'netbook' computer for Christmas and it has a built in webcam. They are so fun for playing 'round with. Singing is good for the soul, thanks for sharing your song today.


  5. connieturner96@msn.comJanuary 22, 2010 at 9:03 AM

    Deanna, you sound and look great! You are a very pretty woman and your voice and delivery are very good.

  6. Everyone needs to "fritter" now and then. Otherwise, we become old and haggard. . and very worn out. Even if we are making lovely dollies.

  7. Deanna you go girl you have a great voice should be singing all the time. I really enjoyed the! Singing is so good for the soul. Love it, Kat

  8. Oh my Deanna---I LOVE this video clip!!! You sound FANTASTIC and you look GORGEOUS!!!
    I think variety is the spice of life, so you keep at it.

  9. Wow! You have a wonderful voice! Really enjoyed your song! I think maybe you should consider singing more! Thanks!

  10. Thanks everyone! Sometimes I just need to give myself permission to do something really unproductive, like karaoke ~ which is surprisingly addicting.

    I'll probably put a song up periodically, just for fun.

  11. I found your blog on the forum off Dixie. I now you are a great dollmaker, but now I now you are a great singer as well.

    The words off the song are beautiful as well as your singing. You are a very gifted woman.

    Nice greatings,
    The Netherlands


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