Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Artist's Way

I've been reading "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. I've had the book for a number of years, but just picked it up again. I wrote my first three "morning pages" this morning. Didn't take long to fill the pages - guess I had a lot on my mind. Question is, can I keep it up?

Now I need to pick an "artist date" for this week. These are solo excursions. There are a few galleries in Astoria I've never been to . I may do that. Or I might check out the fiber studio (though it's closed every time I drive by after work). 


Unknown said...

When I did her exercises I was very creative and productive. My fav was the 20 minute daily walk.

Deanna Hogan said...

I've taken a couple walks, but haven't been consistent about it. But I have diligently done my morning pages and many of the other tasks in the workbook.