Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Call for Hoffman Dolls

It's time again to start thinking about this year's Hoffman Challenge. I've had the challenge fabric for a couple months, but have hardly had a moment to think about it. The print this year is rather large, so I might experiment with some different fabric manipulation techniques.
For the past 10 years or so I've been hosting pages on my website dedicated to Hoffman doll entries - as many as I can get. Visit my webpage to see some of the past challenge fabrics. On that page are links to some of the challenge dolls - not all of them (there are many more), but just those sent to me by the dollmakers themselves. Not everyone gets to travel to the Hoffman exhibits, so this is my way to see as many of the dolls as possible.

I encourage participants in the doll category to send me photos of their dolls for inclusion. Remember, it's all about challenging yourself and not comparing yourself to others. Please consider entering this challenge (I'm not affiliated with Hoffman Fabrics). Take photos of your doll (ideally with an uncluttered background so we can better see your doll), and send them to me: I include links to your blogs and websites if you have them. Please let me know the name of your doll and the source of your pattern (your original design, or patterns by other dollmakers) and inspiration.

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