Impatience will earn me a special place in Hell. I've been working on the current Life Book 2013 lesson today, and I know better than to add a layer before the previous one is dry. Actually I don't personally know better since I'm new at this art journaling thing, but I've heard others say so. I should have listened.
It started out fine, gluing the tree silhouette to my watercolor paper. I even waited a bit before adding clear gesso to the page (yay me!) So glad I bought the clear gesso - what a cool medium!
At this point I realize I probably should have picked a silhouette with a whiter background. Sucks to be me, but live and learn. Will just have to make it work.
What colors are in that printed background, anyway? Experimenting, and loving watercolor crayons.
Starting to figure it out.
So far, so good.
And here's where it all went wrong. I didn't allow the gel medium gluing the book text to the page to completely dry. While brayering on some white gesso, layers of the text peeled off and bubbled in a very ugly way. Crap. I had to rub my fingers over the rippling paper to remove it.
More gesso. It appears to cover a multitude of sins.
Take a break for another cup of coffee now.
Thinking about what kind of critter I'll add to this page.
A fox. Because the grass is so dark, I decided to paint the fox's silhouette with gesso.
Tried watercolor crayons and pencils to color the fox, but acrylic paint worked better. Now to draw the girl. I plan to have the fox looking up at her. The fox is a little too big, I think, but that's ok.
More Art Journaling Explorations